Updated API draft


The editors have updated the API draft. There are two versions available:

1. http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html
This is the live editor's draft.  There may be rendering problems on certain versions of certain browsers with this version.

2. http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc-20110914.html
This is a statically-generated and dated version.  It should render properly on all browsers and will never change.

Unfortunately the W3C diff tool is failing to return anything when I give it this draft and the previous one.  When we figure out what part of the HTML is causing problems we will start using the diff tool.

The summary of changes is:
1.  We have removed the content of the data stream section and replaced it with a note that this will be coming later when we have rough consensus. However, we did not remove references to the "PeerConnection data UDP media stream" since we still need it as a placeholder for whatever we choose later as the data channel.

3. We have removed references to the "ICE Agent" in all places discussing media addition/removal except in processSignalingMessage.  We have also left in some general references to the ICE Agent and to the "ICE started flag" since it wasn't obvious what else to do with them.  These remaining bits have pointed out some complexity in how the ICE Agent is used and in how and when SDP (or equivalent) is negotiated.  If you have an opinion, please send detailed proposals.

Dan Burnett for the editors

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 19:34:36 UTC