Re: webrtc reqs related to the Audio WG

NOTE: I'm not a public-audio subscriber, so this probably WON'T
reach people on that list.

On 10/19/2011 8:45 PM, Cullen Jennings wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2011, at 1:25 , Stefan Håkansson wrote:
>> Dear Audio WG (cc webrtc),
>> in the latest version of the use-cases - and - requirements document (<>) for webrtc the requirements on audio processing have been changed:

>>    ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>    A15             The Web API MUST provide means for the web
>>                    application to adjust the level in audio
>>                    streams.

> I'd prefer that the requirement was that it needed to be able to tell
 > it to be normalized. What I don't want to see is a the only thing the
 > JS gets is a gain control - that will be very hard to use.

Well, a JS app may want to do more than just normalize - it may want to 
apply relative volumes to different sources depending on things like 
which source the user is paying attention to, or which has "the podium", 
etc, etc.  This is different than spatialization, note.

Randell Jesup

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 04:29:39 UTC