Wednesday agenda - Low Level API discussion

Hi all,
we'll set aside time on Wednesday to discuss the "low level API 
proposal" - at least briefly.
(aside: can we find a better name for this proposal...?)

I see us as having 3 different options here at the "planning level":

- Go forward with the PeerConnection API and not go forward with the low 
level API
- Go forward with the low level API and not go forward with PeerConnection
- Go forward with both, and make sure they are harmonized where that matters

I suspect that discussion on Wednesday will conclude with "we don't have 
enough information to decide yet" - in that case, let's focus on what 
further information we will need in order to go forward with one of the 
approaches above.

                   Harald, for the chairs

Received on Monday, 3 October 2011 16:17:22 UTC