Re: [webrtc-stats] Interframe delay stat for video receive stream. (#229)

[a] google-chrome --version yielded Google Chrome 73.0.3683.103
[b] lastPacketReceivedTimestamp does'nt seem to be present in RTCInboundRTPStreamStats. We badly need it in our application.
[c] Read from the spec that 'inbound-rtp : Statistics for an inbound RTP stream that is currently received with this RTCPeerConnection object. It is accessed by the RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.'
[d] Alas lastPacketReceivedTimestamp does not seem to be mandatory as the spec says 'An implementation MUST support generating statistics for the type RTCInboundRtpStreamStats, with attributes packetsReceived, bytesReceived, packetsLost, jitter, and fractionLost.'
[e] tried to get lastPacketReceivedTimestamp through the following code and inspected the console in the browser. this did not yield the lastPacketReceivedTimestamp that i was looking for. 

    var receivers = window.curr_pc.getReceivers();

    myconsole.log('[getRtpTimestamp2]:numReceivers=' + receivers.length);

    receivers.forEach((receiver,rindex) => {

        myconsole.log(`[getRtpTimestamp2]:rindex=${rindex},receiver=`, receiver);

        receiver.getStats().then(function(stats) {

            stats.forEach((stat, sindex) => {

                myconsole.log(`[getRtpTimestamp2]:rindex=${rindex},sindex=${sindex},stat=`, stat);
Result (for stat with type:inbound-rtp)
bytesReceived: 696475
codecId: "RTCCodec_video_Inbound_96"
firCount: 0
fractionLost: 0
framesDecoded: 95
id: "RTCInboundRTPVideoStream_2902881011"
isRemote: false
kind: "video"
mediaType: "video"
nackCount: 0
packetsLost: 0
packetsReceived: 638
pliCount: 0
qpSum: 843
ssrc: 2902881011
timestamp: 1566836637484.665
trackId: "RTCMediaStreamTrack_receiver_2"
transportId: "RTCTransport_audio_1"
type: "inbound-rtp"
__proto__: Object
Note that lastPacketReceivedTimestamp is absent.
Any help rendered to get lastPacketReceivedTimestamp would be greatly appreciated.


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Received on Monday, 26 August 2019 16:32:09 UTC