Re: [webrtc-stats] csrc can be removed and RTCRtpContributingSourceStats can be moved to receiver stats.

> we can move the RTCRtpContributingSourceStats to be part of RTCAudioReceiverStats

Not easily, because it's a one-to-many relationship.

I.e. [receiver.getContributingSources]( returns a *sequence* of [RTCRtpContributingSource](, whereas [RTCRtpContributingSourceStats]( covers *one* csrc. A one-to-many relationship. E.g. you'd do:
async function collectCsrcStats(receiver)
  const stats = await receiver.getStats();
  return [...stats.values()].filter(({type}) => type == "csrc");

As @na-g mentions, this works in Firefox (assuming you have a server that emits csrcs).

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Received on Thursday, 13 September 2018 20:36:23 UTC