Re: [webrtc-pc] How do I indicate the end of remote candidates?

@alvestrand Do you know, if Chrome provides any other legacy functionallity for end-of-candidates?

@jan-ivar I still wonder about the spec (see my previous previous comment). 

Let's start with the eventhanlder `onicecandidate` event. It is fired, when a *new RTCIceCandidate is made available to the script.*. Looking into the debug console, all ICE candidates objects are of type `RTCIceCandidate` (not plain JS objects):

![bildschirmfoto vom 2018-08-03 10 34 25](

Looking into the spec, you write:

Promise<void> addIceCandidate((RTCIceCandidateInit or RTCIceCandidate) candidate);

The Promise expeteds an `RTCIceCandidate`. So, why is `RTCIceCandidate` now plain JS object `{candidate:'...'}` and not `new RTCIceCandidate({candidate:'...'})` (as thrown by the  `onicecandidate` event)?

I also added the end-of-candidates example (2) to MDN. Thus we have the correct version documented there as well.

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Received on Friday, 3 August 2018 08:36:38 UTC