Re: [webrtc-pc] How do I indicate the end of remote candidates?

@aboba An example will clarify how to do the end-of-candidates. 

@jan-ivar Why is it example (2)? Reading the spec tells me `Promise<void> addIceCandidate((RTCIceCandidateInit or RTCIceCandidate) candidate);`, which yields to my example (4) - or do I miss something? Also []( tells me to use `new RTCIceCandidate(...)`.

@alvestrand Thanks for the response with the Chrome bug.

To give you a context: In my applitcation I signal offer, answer and ICE candidates. The `PeerConnection.iceConnectionState` for the answerer (callee) is `new`, `checking` and `connected`, but it never reaches the `completed` state. I assume, its required to inform the callee about the end-of-candidates to get in the final state.

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Received on Thursday, 2 August 2018 14:53:37 UTC