from January 2017 by thread

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Remove references saying "defines an API" Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 31 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Explanation for "remoteSource" Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 31 January)

[webrtc-stats] Difference between 'Id' and 'Identifier' fields na-g via GitHub (Tuesday, 31 January)

[webrtc-stats] Stat for audio acceleration rate? henbos via GitHub (Tuesday, 31 January)

[webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.audioLevel... input vs output? henbos via GitHub (Tuesday, 31 January)

[webrtc-stats] Stat for how many video adaption changes henbos via GitHub (Tuesday, 31 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: More complete example Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Eliminate NetworkError Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Not clear how to differentiate between received connectivity checks and consent requests henbos via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

[webrtc-stats] RTCCodecStats.implementation... per-codec, per-stream? henbos via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Clarify reasoning behind and mitigation of privacy issues (PING review) Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: RTCDataChannelCloseEvent definition Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

[webrtc-pc] RTCDataChannel close event not defined Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Updating RTCDataChannel.close and onclose EventHandler Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] NetworkError event is not defined and might not be needed Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Monday, 30 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Freeze version of respec-w3c-common.js Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Sunday, 29 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Sunday, 29 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Sunday, 29 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: errorCode required in RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Friday, 27 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Rename RTCRtpMediaStreamStats.trackId Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Friday, 27 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Specify when a data channel's ID is assigned, and what the `id` attribute returns when no ID is assigned. Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Handling of simulcast errors Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Handing SDP with more than one identity stefan hakansson via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] When is an RTCSctpTransport created and destroyed? Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Clarify wording on TypeError from addIceCandidate. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Processing remote MediaStreamTracks without MediaStreams info Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add offerToReceive* as legacy extensions Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: currentRemoteDescription.sdp need not match setRemoteDescription().sdp Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Change SetLocalDescription to require unchanged offer/answer string Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Event when a transceiver is stopped via remote action Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Effect of a BYE on RtpReceiver.track Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 26 January)

[webrtc-stats] Unclear which framerate "framePerSecond" represents Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Wednesday, 25 January)

[webrtc-stats] RTCDataChannelStats should reference RTCTransportStats henbos via GitHub (Wednesday, 25 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] STUN/TURN OAuth token auth parameter passing misi via GitHub (Wednesday, 25 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Separated auth dictionaries for STUN/TURN misi via GitHub (Tuesday, 24 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: transceiver.stop() sends a BYE Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Tuesday, 24 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update bib-TRAM-TURN-THIRD-PARTY-AUTHZ misi via GitHub (Monday, 23 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] NetworkError event is not defined and might not be needed Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Monday, 23 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Define terminology for "stats object" et al. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 23 January)

[webrtc-pc] RTCRtcpMuxPolicy of "negotiate" should be marked as an "at-risk" feature Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Saturday, 21 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Describe when an RTCSctpTransport is created/set to null. Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Thursday, 19 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Receive a track multiple times stefan hakansson via GitHub (Thursday, 19 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Respec warnings related to missing <dfn> and Object error Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 19 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 19 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Effect of a BYE on RtpReceiver.track Justin Uberti via GitHub (Wednesday, 18 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Make a RTCMediaStreamTrackStats object per track attachment Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 17 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Fix warnings about in-prose definitions Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Monday, 16 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Friday, 13 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Friday, 13 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Changing "non-null" to "missing" to match IDL terminology. Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Friday, 13 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Need to specify what happens if `createDataChannel` is called with an invalid ID Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Need to specify what happens if `createDataChannel` is called with an invalid ID Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Use lowercase values for RTCIceComponent Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

[webrtc-pc] RTCIceComponent should use lowercase strings Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 12 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Define JSEP terms like "bundle" and "bundle-policy" in terminology section Daniel Burnett via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update JSEP reference in RTCIceTransportState definition Daniel Burnett via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add an explicit stats selection algorithm. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Clarify RTCPeerConnectionStats's dataChannelsOpened/Closed description Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Need definition for RTCTransportStats.activeConnection Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Volume needs a more complete definition. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 11 January)

[webrtc-stats] "stats object" terminology issues jan-ivar via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] Are the stats read-only snapshots or will they change kept around? Todd Reifsteck via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] what is ssrcIds? Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] Need DSCP information for incoming RTP streams Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] Timestamp in the getStats Varun Singh via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Make sure timing and responsibility for stat object creation is clear Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Consider making (aggregate) stats more accessible Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Describe the reason for "sum & count" rather than "average" Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Adding minor clarification regarding stats object lifetime. Varun Singh via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] issuerCertificateId is not described Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 10 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCPeerConnection.getStats: What to do with 'selector' argument? Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 9 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add dfn as anchor for interfaces, dictionaries, enums, ... Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub (Sunday, 8 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add RTCOfferOptions.reofferOptions. Peter Thatcher via GitHub (Friday, 6 January)

[webrtc-stats] Track stats: track or attachment? Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Friday, 6 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Friday, 6 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers interfect via GitHub (Friday, 6 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] offerToReceiveAudio/offerToReceiveVideo remain in implementations (likely needed for compat) Philip Jägenstedt via GitHub (Friday, 6 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Make the ufrag optional in RTCIceCandidateInit, for backwards compat. Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Congruenting about "The negotiation-needed flag is cleared when setLocalDescription" Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Specify an AllowUnverifiedMedia RTCConfiguration property Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Enabling Fingerprint-based Instant Data Transferring in WebRTC Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Enabling Fingerprint-based Instant Data Transferring in WebRTC Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Unit missing for maxPacketLifeTime Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by burnburn Daniel Burnett via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] Remove legacy getStats API? Daniel Burnett via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Link to "known good" version of respec-w3c-common Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Removed legacy getStats() method. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Respec warnings related to missing <dfn> and Object error Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Clarify if stat object's members can change after having been returned Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Closed: [webrtc-pc] STUN/TURN Auto Discovery handling misi via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] Meta: auto-publish changes to the spec Bernard Aboba via GitHub (Thursday, 5 January)

[webrtc-pc] This link is correct or not? Grigoriy Sushkov via GitHub (Wednesday, 4 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Remove ssrcids field Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 4 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Define audio level rigidly Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 4 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Make tidy has stopped working again Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 4 January)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Make tidy has stopped working again Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Wednesday, 4 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] what is ssrcIds? Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub (Wednesday, 4 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] When is an RTCSctpTransport created and destroyed? Peter Thatcher via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Added "kind" to RTCMediaStreamTrackStats. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats does not have mediaType member. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Fix RTCStatsType for "stream" Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Added more datachannel counters, with definitions. Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Tuesday, 3 January)

Re: [webrtc-pc] STUN/TURN Auto Discovery handling misi via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

[webrtc-stats] Travis appears to be borked again Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

[webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidateInit's required DOMString ufrag will throw for all existing content Philip Jägenstedt via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Explain "sum and count" design paradigm Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] Need definition for RTCTransportStats.activeConnection Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Replace with .state Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

Re: [webrtc-stats] issuerCertificateId is not described Harald Alvestrand via GitHub (Monday, 2 January)

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2017 23:30:53 UTC