Re: Cisco / Apple / Straight path patents

Den 05. jan. 2018 21:18, skrev Cullen Jennings (fluffy):
> Hi All, 
> Please treat this as W3C member confidential.
> Some good news - the situation with Straight Path patents potentially related to WebRTC looks like it has resolved for the time being so there is no longer any need for me to do a legal review of changes to the draft. There is some small chance this might change back if this cases goes to appeal. I think the way this was argued would make it much more difficult for other companies using WebRTC to be sued over theses patents. I'd also like to take this moment to point out the work the Apple legal team has done defending IPR in general has benefited everyone that uses WebRTC. 
> I want to thank all of you for your pertinence on doing theses review and I am happy we can stop doing them now. I'm glad that instead of just making a private out of court settlement, this was instead done in a way that helps all users of WebRTC. 
> Thanks, Cullen

Thanks for the update, and without knowing anything about the
particulars of the case, it sounds like a win for the Open Internet.

Happy to hear that!


Received on Saturday, 6 January 2018 01:30:21 UTC