Re: New Ed's draft of mediacapture-main

Yes, i am onsite with a client all week and expected to have evenings free,
but so far it's been 18 hour days instead. I can't guarantee it, but if
things lighten up Wednesday evening like I hope I'll see what I can do.

-- dan

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 5:12 AM Stefan HÃ¥kansson LK <> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> I have a memory of us saying you would update PR#411 if Jan-Ivar did not
> respond (and create a new version of it) so we could merge on the
> editors meeting and release a new version before next week's Virtual
> Interim.
> Do I remember correctly? And if so, what's the current status?
> Cheers,
> Stefan

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2016 14:25:10 UTC