Agenda, August 20

OK, this week I should be back on track....

Overarching items:
- Face-to-face. What are our pain points that we have to bring there
(for 1.0)?
- Pushing a new media capture editors' draft

Pull requests:
#211 Allow device capabilities to be discoverable - we may back off this
Output is the controversial part, methinks.
#219 Persist deviceids only after gUM permission grant - seems to have
consensus. Is it right?
#226 typedef MediaStreamError as an object - compound the ugliness of
the legacy API?
  (Will Anne object to the return of MediaStreamError?)
#231 Answer TAG self-review - does this belong in the doc at all? List
discussion needed?


#118 Practical algorithm - HTA to discuss
#127 Timeout - should classify as "not for #1"
#189 getUserMedia({}) should be type error
#193 Adaptive frame rate - HTA to discuss
#198 MediaTrackCapabilities - see #211
#212 Privacy/Security review - see #231
#218 Persist deviceIDs - see #219
#221 Unconnected tracks - my memory from IETF is gone. Need to refresh
with Justin.
#222 Clarify whether groupId is origin-unique - Stefan? (I think it is)
#225 tracks vs sinks in section 5 - Dan, anything blocking a PR?
#227 Update onoverconstrained event handler - Dan?
#230 WebIDL reference needs updating - Dom seems to advise no action
now, leave bug open.
#232 Clone a track: "inherit" not defined (section 4.3) - I think it
means "copy" in this case. We should change to "copy" (except for
source, where it means "copy a reference to the same source").
#233 "" is wrong - I think this is strictly editorial
(s/ active attribute of the mediastream object in
4.2.2), but someone must check, and also look for "this error repeats
itself throughout the draft".

Pull requests: 13

#29 mediadiscarded - Peter, any news?
#236 Operations array -> chain - Adam?
#237 ReplaceTrack - waiting for list discussion
#240 Move certificate management section - Dan?
#241 Transport objects - Adam? (List discussion seems to have died down,
I think with rough consensus)
#242 Remove SyntaxError on malformed ICE - need list discussion and
#254 RTPEncodingParameters.maxBitrate - list discussion seems to say
"this topic is complicated", but can we merge this one as "we're sure we
need this one at least"? Stefan?
#255 RTP Sender get capabilities - this removes the "get a blob of SDP
that you can parse" function and adds some more pre-parsed functions. Is
it controversial?
#256 Fix prose on getStats() w/o selector - don't think this is quite
right, but makes sense (t
#258 Codec parameters
#261 Language on ICE agent being finished - I think this is fine.
#262 must -> MUST. Someone needs to review, then merge.

Issues: 39

I'm out of time for writing agenda. Will return to these later.

Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 12:28:48 UTC