Re: Agenda, April 29 telechat

I think Harald said he could call out from Hangouts, so hopefully we'll 
manage to get that to work.


On 30/04/15 15:56, Dan Burnett wrote:
> Actually, I need to use phone for this one.  I am in an airport, and
> I'm pretty sure you won't be able to understand me at all if I have
> to use my laptop mic.
> -- dan
> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:15 AM, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
>> I hope this is for the April 30 telechat (starting in 45 mins),
>> nothing else!
>> On 29/04/15 23:22, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>>> Note: The call is on Hangouts. Use the link in the calendar
>>> invite.
>>> AI review (for things not linked to issues, or larger than a
>>> single issue):
>>> - HTA to follow up WebAudio group's issue: (Not done). - Stefan:
>>> Email Jim to ask about HTML 5.1 and srcObject - Dan to address
>>> Error issue (#162 and so on) - Adam to address Muted state
>>> MediaCapture - goal is to clear out underbrush of "small
>>> things", leaving larger issues for TF to discuss in a LC summary
>>> early May:
>>> This week it's only Dan manning the editor desk, so what he says
>>> goes wrt integrations :-)
>>> Pull requests - 5, last 4 are by Adam, done before he left.
>>> - #165 direct assignment - feels unready, at least before missing
>>> pieces are filed as open issues on HTML 5.1 - #166 muted state
>>> (related to webrtc-pc #139) - #167 internal algorithms rather
>>> than method invocation - #168 active attribute / active concept
>>> distinction - annevk thinks this is wrong. - #169 required track
>>> dictionary member
>>> Note: I think we've been lax in updating the changelog..
>>> Issues - 10 open, only #164 in a state we can do something about
>>> here.
>>> - #118 resting - #127 resting - #157 opinion on naming (bikeshed
>>> / style); marking "list discussion needed" - #158 tamper-free:
>>> addressed by #167? - #159 active attribute: addressed by #168,
>>> still open - #160 required track member; addressed by #169 - #161
>>> direct asssignment - awaiting #165 - #163 Exposed - list
>>> discussion - #164 "detach source" removal - list discussion
>>> seemed positive; my filing, so Stefan's call.
>>> (Todo for chairs: Look at Dom's list and decide what are
>>> issues....)
>>> WebRTC-PC - goal is to get important things that have consensus
>>> done ASAP, and clear underbrush if we can.
>>> Pull requests:
>>> - #29 mediadiscarded: Awaiting update per Dallas. - #193 .mid
>>> property: Still no feedback from Justin. - #195 replaceTrack:
>>> Still list discussion. - #213 SetConfiguration - ready now?
>>> (Rebase?) - #214 Certificate management - still discussing? -
>>> #215 expires - depends on #214 - #218 Enqueue addIceCandidate -
>>> looks good to me. - #220 Muted state - depends on mediacapture
>>> #166 - #221 Define when RTCRtpreceivers are created and
>>> dispatched (issue #198) - wait for jsep#132 or let it go in? -
>>> #222 Operations array -> promise-chain:Do only J-I and I care?
>>> If we get here in an hour, let's look at the bug list at that
>>> time.

Received on Thursday, 30 April 2015 14:00:07 UTC