Re: HTTP documentation

Without answering any of your questions (:)), I would just like to say that
this is very cool! Thank you for working on this!


On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 1:50 AM, Austin William Wright <> wrote:

> Recently, I've been contributing to the HTTP documentation. I realize it
> isn't an area of focus, but it's something especially relevant to my work
> and I'd like to see all my technical references in one place, so I've been
> writing up anything I find useful.
> I'd like to see documentation of HTTP about the headers, with information
> about:
> * Summary/definition
> * Syntax
> * Examples
> * References
> * User agent/server/service usage, compatibility tables
> These pages would also be linked to from wherever it's relevant, e.g.
> Would there be any problem with me creating [[Category:HTTP Header]],
> templates, and a Semantic Mediawiki edit form?
> In addition to the per-header pages, I'm thinking of some documentation
> split up by functionality that is commonly used/implemented. I've written
> most of and I
> just added a list of pages that people would hopefully find useful, things
> like "Caching", "Access control", and "Content negotiation". Assuming this
> is a good idea, can someone verify that it matches the page naming scheme
> we have going?
> Thanks,
> Austin Wright.

Received on Friday, 26 September 2014 23:01:19 UTC