Re: Dashboard for doc sprint

Hi Andre,

I'm not on auto-deploying stuff just yet.

That's my dream since I started here :)

Can someone do what has to be done on the docsprint dashboard code?  I'll deploy later.

Renoir Boulanger | Developer operations engineer
W3C |  ✪  @renoirb

On October 7, 2014 8:46:06 AM EDT, Andre Jay Meissner <> wrote:
>Hi Renoir,
>can you autodeploy on commit to master? The dashboard requires changes
>to the html/js to be adjusted to every docsprint. That is why we ran it
>locally til date.
>Von: Renoir Boulanger <<>>
>Datum: KW 41 | Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014 14:31
>An: Paul Verbeek <<>>,
>David Kirstein <<>>
>Cc: "<>"
>Betreff: Re: Dashboard for doc sprint
>Neu gesendet von:
>Neu gesendet am: KW 41 | Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014 14:31
>Thanks fro!
>I can deploy the docsprint dashboard on
>if you want.
>Renoir Boulanger | Developer operations engineer
>W3C |<>
> ✪ @renoirb
>On October 7, 2014 3:58:48 AM EDT, Paul Verbeek
><<>> wrote:
>Great, thanks!
>On 7 October 2014 09:57, David Kirstein
><<>> wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>check - there are
>instructions in the README on how to conf! igure the Google Spreadsheet
>(which just contains the usernames in a column). We added a form so
>people could easily add their names to the sheet.
>- fro
>From: Paul Verbeek [mailto!
>Sent: Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014 09:18
>Subject: Dashboard for doc sprint
>Hi everybody,
>At the doc sprints in Düsseldorf and Berlin Jay used a dashboard to
>show the number of changes made etc.
>Does anybody know how I can use that as well? I want to use it tomorrow
>and Jay is not available.

Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 13:06:07 UTC