RE: Community Meeting: Agenda and New Time!

Doug et al.

I've been called into an all-day meeting and will not be able to attend. Like others who have responded, this is normally a good time for me.



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Doug Schepers []
>Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:30 PM
>To: WebPlatform Community
>Subject: Community Meeting: Agenda and New Time!
>Hi, folks–
>We have decided, via the doodle poll, to change the time of the new telcon.
>The new time is Tuesdays, 18:00 UTC / 13:00 ET / 10:00 PT [1] (tomorrow!), on
>the regular phone line and IRC channel [2].
>I'll chair the call... can I get a volunteer to scribe?
>* Review of open action items
>* Homepage
>* Update on Compatibility Table Project
>* DocSprints: FluentConf, EU
>* Web Platform Wednesday: JavaScript (and HTML?)
>* Any other topics?



Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 14:30:43 UTC