Universal access subsection


I've been working through the list of HTML elements and attributes 
putting in links to the i18n resources we have, and have made a start on 
the CSS properties, etc. It wasn't always obvious where to put those 
links - they are not really like the other optional links that appear at 
the bottom of the page; internationalization information is typically an 
essential part of the information that content authors/developers need 
(as, of course, is WAI info).

I'd like to propose that the template for each page in the list of 
elements, attributes, and properties, etc. include an additional 
section: Universal Access.

In this section we can add WAI, i18n and device independence tips, and 
links to relevant materials.

Is this the right list to make such suggestions? Who would take 
decisions on that?


Richard Ishida

Received on Monday, 9 September 2013 13:37:31 UTC