Re: Draft blog post on CSS Regions

On 29 Jan 2013, at 05:06, Doug Schepers <> wrote:

> Hi, Julee-
> Along the lines of what Alex commented, maybe add a brief intro of where this fits into Web Platform Docs, especially since it's not yet universally supported.

+1to Doug's point here - there seems to be a lot of work being done on APIs, CSS specs, etc. that are very experimental and don't have widespread support across browsers yet. I appreciate that the different companies involved want to push their own interests as much as possible - that's fine - but we should try to balance the work out between experimental stuff and mature stuff a bit more. If we are perceived as only working on experimental stuff, then that doesn't really fit with the mission we've outlined for WebPlatform.

I'm not saying don't publish this - I think it's fine as long as it is framed better in context with the site, like Doug says.

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 10:24:18 UTC