Examples and GitHub (was: Guide to implementing CSS property pages)

Hi, Chris-

On 1/28/13 4:14 PM, Chris Mills wrote:
> On 28 Jan 2013, at 18:18, Doug Schepers wrote:
>> On 1/28/13 11:47 AM, Chris Mills wrote:
>>> We could certainly do that, yes, good plan. Another possibility
>>> perhaps would be to put the example on github, like this:
>>> https://github.com/chrisdavidmills/background-image
>>> Then we can publish the example directly, using that magical
>>> gh-pages branch
>>> http://chrisdavidmills.github.com/background-image/background-image.html
>>> and accept pull requests from other contributors
>> This seems like a maintenance nightmare. Don't we already have too
>> many ways to handle feedback? Is it likely that the code samples
>> will have to change so frequently?
> You might be right. I wonder if we can put things on github that you
> can't do pull requests to, and then put a note to ask people to
> provide feedback via WPD instead? I guess this will be irrelevant
> anyway once we get the dabblet stuff set up.

I'd prefer we not go down the GitHub route right now at all.

Nothing we do right now will give us working inline examples, because we 
aren't yet putting iframes in the pages.

We are preparing the infrastructure to display live code examples in our 
own dabblet instance very soon, so we want to have code examples in pre 
blocks on the page itself.

It seems like extra hassle to have people put examples in pre blocks and 
in GitHub, and I would prefer we not introduce people to a workflow that 
we would abandon within a month or so anyway.


Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 21:52:44 UTC