Raw notes of Content/Community meeting, Jan 17

julee: present
[2:03pm] jswisher: present
[2:03pm] Eliot: present
[2:04pm] sierra joined the chat room.
[2:04pm] Ryan_Lane joined the chat room.
[2:04pm] julee: David Gash is present
[2:04pm] sierra: present
[2:04pm] cgoodman joined the chat room.
[2:04pm] cgoodman: present
[2:04pm] jswisher: julee: we have action items from this meeting, and 
from the community meeting, which we're combining this one with
[2:04pm] Ryan_Lane1 joined the chat room.
[2:05pm] • Garbee will be on in a few minutes.
[2:05pm] jswisher: julee: Do we want to go over all of them?
[2:05pm] jswisher: julee: most of the community action items are for 
Doug and peter, who aren't here
[2:05pm] julee: ACTION: Julee to add to weekly agenda template: "Any new 
and notable content to promote?" UPDATE: DONE
[2:05pm] julee: ACTION: Doug to add folks who responded to email thread 
as contributing bloggers.
[2:05pm] julee: ACTION: Julee and klick_ass to write up WPD blog post 
about Germany Doc Sprint.
[2:05pm] julee: ACTION: Julee to send out Ed Guide outline. UPDATE: DONE
[2:05pm] julee: ACTION: Scott to work on usability of Ed Guide.
[2:05pm] julee: LAST WEEK ACTION: Julee to update Topic Hierarchy and 
Architecture pages. UPDATE: in progress
[2:05pm] julee: LAST WEEK ACTION: Julee to send out an email discussing 
how we should "take" and re-assign bugs to even the work out more. 
UPDATE: Julee sent an email.
[2:05pm] julee: LAST WEEK ACTION: Eliot to do an editorial pass on the 
proposed top-level pages. UPDATE: No status.
[2:05pm] julee: LAST WEEK ACTION: Jswisher to request the next level of 
detail on the global nav and how the reader accesses the content types 
as well as the technology areas. UPDATE: Janet sent out the email.
[2:05pm] julee: PREVIOUS ACTION: Julee to find out how to add a meeting 
bot to the Content TF Meeting. UPDATE: in progress
[2:05pm] julee: PREVIOUS ACTION: Julee to file a bug about the design of 
reference pages with a non-standard standardization status. UPDATE: 
needs to be revised: Julee to file a UI bug about the design of 
reference pages with non-stable status, so that they look distinct. 
UPDATE: Filed two bugs:
[2:05pm] julee: For needing the categories
[2:05pm] julee: For needing the UI updated to reflect the categories
[2:05pm] julee: PREVIOUS ACTION: Garbee to send out his awesome task 
organization plan. UPDATE: sending it out today.
[2:06pm] Ryan_Lane2 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[2:08pm] Ryan_Lane left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[2:09pm] Ryan_Lane1 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[2:10pm] Eliot: Another Grrrr
[2:10pm] julee: Status on code.webplatform.org?
[2:11pm] julee: Scott's API proposal
[2:11pm] Garbee: hm, I can't actually call in to this one.
[2:11pm] julee: No problem
[2:11pm] Garbee: So, I'm IRC only if needed.
[2:12pm] julee: ok
[2:13pm] jswisher: julee: scott's not here, so tabling the API proposal 
for now; jswisher responded re MDN
[2:13pm] jswisher: julee: likewise, CSS properties milestone
[2:14pm] jswisher: julee: we have progress on the global nav, with 
top-level non-redundant items
[2:14pm] jswisher: … docs, discussion, blog, editing, community events
[2:15pm] jswisher: … There's also a bug about having a drop-down menu to 
access different topic areas
[2:16pm] jswisher: … In-context TOCs: a little different from the 
nav/menu stuff
[2:17pm] jswisher: … there used be a in-page TOC, but it went away -- 
can we bring it back?
[2:18pm] jswisher: jswisher: There was a TOC in the skin, and also one 
based on a user preference
[2:18pm] jswisher: … they conflicted, so we took it out of the skin
[2:18pm] Garbee: In-page ToC is down due to being horribly styled. Doug 
iirc has a plugin but it needs an extra hook in MediaWiki for us to use 
[2:18pm] jswisher: … but if no users have set the preference to show it, 
we could bring the skin TOC back
[2:18pm] Garbee: I don't think the default ToC was ever styled since 
someone had a plugin they wanted to use.
[2:19pm] jswisher: julee: Anything else blocking creating content?
[2:19pm] jswisher: … Session bug seems to be no longer such a huge issue
[2:19pm] jswisher: … Any new content to promote?
[2:19pm] jswisher: … Planning blog posts on Audio API and CSS regions
[2:22pm] julee: https://fosdem.org/2013/
[2:23pm] jkomoros joined the chat room.
[2:23pm] jswisher: jswisher: Anybody going to FOSDEM?
[2:23pm] jswisher: If so, I'd love your help with a talk about open 
[2:24pm] jswisher: julee: CSS properties proposal
[2:24pm] jswisher: jkomoros: Now about 2/3 thru prioritization of properties
[2:25pm] jswisher: … goal is to finish tomorrow, and work on a 
"representative" article
[2:25pm] jswisher: … This was worked on a few months ago, so hopefully 
not too much work
[2:26pm] jswisher: … Then we need to create an author's guide based on 
the representative article
[2:26pm] jswisher: … The property worked on previously was 'font-size'
[2:27pm] jswisher: … I don't have a strong opinion on what the content 
should look like; will defer to Chris M, or anyone who cares about it
[2:28pm] jswisher: julee: Mike Sierra might be a good person to work on this
[2:29pm] jswisher: … Need to own making a "gold standard" example page, 
that others can use as a model
[2:29pm] julee: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/font-size
[2:33pm] jswisher: … Don't need to worry about bizarre edge cases
[2:33pm] jswisher: jkomoros: Everything is on the table, can completely 
redo templates if needed
[2:34pm] jswisher: sierra: OK, sounds reasonable
[2:35pm] jswisher: jkomoros: It would be helpful to have something to 
discuss for this meeting next week
[2:37pm] jswisher: … Copy it to a sandbox page, and then pretend there 
are no templates, just make it look like you want it to look. Then we'll 
change the templates to match.
[2:37pm] jswisher: julee: Should also use the most proper markup possible?
[2:38pm] jswisher: jkomoros: Worry about the content and organization -- 
how it looks to a user, not an editor.
[2:38pm] jswisher: julee: Last agenda item: Time of the meeting
[2:39pm] jswisher: … Chris Mills requested an earlier time
[2:39pm] julee: Is this a bad time for you Garbee?
[2:39pm] jswisher: ACTION: Julee to send out a Doodle poll to figure out 
a better time.
[2:39pm] Garbee: This time is fine for me.
[2:39pm] • Garbee is EST time.
[2:40pm] Garbee: I can do anytime though, except 2AM. I am sleeping then.
[2:40pm] jswisher: Done! Thanks everybody!

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2013 20:42:39 UTC