Re: Proposal for updating links on

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Jonathan Garbee <> wrote:

> Well, there should be an "about" page [1] since that issue has been
> sitting for quite a while.  That should be the "philosophy" if there is to
> be a page for it.
> The more link also needs to go [2] since it is a UX nightmare. There is no
> reason to have multiple links go to the same area in the same nav menu with
> different names. Should it ever have a different name in any navigation
> item?
> I also don't think we need a link to the stewards in the main navigation.
> There is a block of text lower down in the page going to the stewards page
> and then the footer logos on every page.


> [1]**Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19410<>
> [2]**Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19557<>
> -Garbee
> On 12/7/2012 6:43 AM, Chris Mills wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> One action I got from the public meeting earlier in the week was to think
>> about better things to link the main navigation items on webplatform.orgto. We currently have
>> Docs            Chat
>> Q&A             Tutorials
>> Blog            More
>> Tutorials and More are rather redundant, given that tutorials are part of
>> Docs, and More just points to Docs anyhow.
>> Doug is probably right that it'd make the area look a bit crappy if we
>> just removed them, leaving only four menu choices. I wonder if maybe we
>> could do that just temporarily, and then add stuff in afterwards, when new
>> things appear?
>> Things we could immediately add:
>> 1. A link to the stewards page,**stewards/<>
>> 2. A link to our policies, and/or philosophy? Do we have a page that
>> explains the WP philosophy?
>> Things we are intending to have in the near future that w could add, but
>> not immediately:
>> 1. A link to education resources
>> 2. A link to code examples. When Dabblet support gets added, perhaps we
>> can add a page that just links to a directory of code examples.
>> 3. A link to tutorial videos
>> Any thoughts on this? Should we just leave it be for now? It just seems a
>> shame to have redundant links on the homepage.
>> Chris Mills
>> Open standards evangelist and editor, Opera Software
>> Co-chair, web education community group, W3C
>> Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (**
>> chrismills/blog/2012/07/12/**practical-css3-my-book-is-**
>> finally-published<>
>> )
>> * Try Opera:
>> * Learn about the latest open standards technologies and techniques:
>> * Contribute to web education:**webed/<>

Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 22:38:15 UTC