Re: WebPlatform Browser Support Info


Pushed the first (unfinished) draft of a "counter" proposal[1]. I did this for two reasons:

1) it's a lot harder to come up with a coherent proposal than to open 25 issues against someone else's,
2) I was under the impressions that I wasn't able to convey the overall organization I had in mind either through the mailing list or through the bug tracker.

The goal of this proposal isn't to replace Ronald's but to understand better the different perspectives so we can move towards consensus.

Right now it focuses mainly on:

- defining the UA part,
- establishing a distinction between raw data (Test results) and interpreted data (Feature Support),
- removing the url proxying.

In retrospect, I think that the main issues I have with Ronald's proposal have to do with the excessive (and unnecessary) use of identifiers and the use of test related terminology to describe what is essentially feature support info.

It is probable that I will end up with a two leveled proposal:

1. UA string - test case - spec - test result (raw data)
2. UA object - Feature Support - Feature (interpreted data)

Where moving from one level to the other requires either code transformation (UA parsing) or interpretation.

Comments welcomed.


Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 22:12:41 UTC