Next Steps for Compat Tables

Hi, PPK, Alexis-

I got pulled away to help work on the content side of Web Platform Docs, 
but here's where I think we are with the compat-tables bit that you are 
involved in:

1) My initial prototype for generating and displaying compatibility 
information in pages will not scale without a major restructuring; I 
haven't had time to do that, and I don't currently have anyone to take 
that on (I might have in a month or so, but I'd like to gear up again 
before then)

2) We need to convert PPK's quirksmode data to a database, or at least a 
JSON array, so we can then start on the normalization schema.

If you have suggestions about either one of these, please let me know.

Otherwise, I'd like to schedule a meeting with the 2 of you, together or 
separately, on skype or on IRC, to reestablish some momentum.

Next week is pretty open for me... what about for you guys?


Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 03:17:13 UTC