from January to March 2013 by subject

[Bug 18702] The argument '' in this line should be removed: port1.postMessage(['hello', 'world'], '');

[Bug 18896] Standardization status not styled to match mocks

[Bug 18899] A <summary>/<details> shim

[Bug 19093] Mediawiki titles are url based

[Bug 19134] Compatibility tables: prefixes written incorrectly

[Bug 19186] TOC of pages point to "X Section" and #__Section that dont resolve

[Bug 19198] Add Browser Compatibility Information

[Bug 19262] Update the list of topics on the WPD home page

[Bug 19265] Review for merge candidates between pages under html/elements and meta:html elements

[Bug 19270] Make all of the X_applies_to parameters accept a comma-delimited list

[Bug 19301] Consistent icon with blog

[Bug 19308] Update or delete WPD:Architecture page

[Bug 19309] available template tags, such as mbox values, are not discoverable

[Bug 19313] javascript/tutorials and tutorials/javascript are duplicate pages

[Bug 19314] Import of 45 files failed.

[Bug 19329] SearchByProperty for High-level_issue doesn't work

[Bug 19342] Review IA of guides/help pages

[Bug 19361] Put front end on github

[Bug 19390] Session Handling Issues

[Bug 19391] Add server-side technologies section to webplatform

[Bug 19399] Unable to edit comments after posted

[Bug 19401] Upgrade site search

[Bug 19409] Add a contact page

[Bug 19410] Please add "About page"

[Bug 19411] Make clearer how to find info about stewards (including how to become one)

[Bug 19412] Logo order on home page seems wrong

[Bug 19424] OpenID-login is missing

[Bug 19440] Better SEO needed for WPD

[Bug 19441] Allow comments to be edited after posting

[Bug 19443] Write guide to becoming a steward

[Bug 19446] Write guide to sorting out reference materials

[Bug 19447] Write guide to sorting out tutorials

[Bug 19459] Flowchart diagram on could do with improvements

[Bug 19464] Review of User Interaction Platform

[Bug 19474] WPD and Forum search boxes should be more clearly labelled

[Bug 19499] Template for markup elements should have dedicated section for attributes

[Bug 19500] Template for HTML element/attribute should re-use structure of "HTML: The Markup Language (an HTML language reference)"

[Bug 19513] Template for related items need escapes for some characters

[Bug 19538] Content should be imported from W3C

[Bug 19539] Generate and include sitemap on

[Bug 19546] Improve search filter visibility

[Bug 19691] Enable inclusion of HTML

[Bug 19694] Homepage should have a search input

[Bug 19719] Remove HTML4 content from tutorials and concepts

[Bug 19720] Clean HTML tutorial section

[Bug 19824] Possible video tutorials

[Bug 19834] [JS][30 minute] - Improve JavaScript Libraries page

[Bug 19835] Display CSS Properties better

[Bug 19856] CC-BY-SA logo missing.

[Bug 19914] "Loss of session data" message upon submitting an edit happens extremely often

[Bug 19956] exclusive CSS media categories

[Bug 20007] Migrating from deprecated target-densitydpi=device-dpi

[Bug 20124] Guidelines for creating content reports.

[Bug 20128] clarify structure for API members that supplement core DOM interfaces

[Bug 20133] clarify policy on collapsing/removing small pages

[Bug 20137] [No section][5m][DIS] - Fix Wanted Pages.

[Bug 20138] remove spurious country-code links

[Bug 20153] [5m][30m][meta]move/delete pages need to be dealt with

[Bug 20154] [meta][6 Hour] - Improve Editors Guide

[Bug 20160] [meta][30m] - Move editorial pages into the Editor's Guide.

[Bug 20180] [DIS][meta] critical analysis — UX/style

[Bug 20202] [dis][meta]Core WPD content - the big clean up

[Bug 20208] WPD plan for accessibility content

[Bug 20215] [5m][meta]Add explanatory text to the Q&A page

[Bug 20250] Create WPD-wide menu to navigate between topic areas

[Bug 20263] Migrate WebGL content over to

[Bug 20290] redirect from URLs with trailing slashes

[Bug 20345] Dates confusing in the forum

[Bug 20370] HTML Lists tutorials

[Bug 20373] [30m][API/JSON]Fix JSON API section.

[Bug 20386] Finalize categories of "Standardization Status": stable, proprietary, draft

[Bug 20387] Create distinct UI for features that are not stable

[Bug 20410] [css] Add tutorials for CSS3 Transitions, Animations, Transforms

[Bug 20424] [DIS][5m][30m][concepts] Organise existing general web concepts to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20425] [DIS][5m][30m][beginners] Organise existing beginners topics to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20426] [DIS][5m][30m][html] Organise existing HTML topics to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20427] [DIS][5m][30m][css] Organise existing CSS topics to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20428] [DIS][5m][30m][javascript] Organise existing javascript articles to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20430] [DIS][5m][30m][dom] Organise existing DOM articles to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20431] [DIS][5m][30m][svg] Organise existing SVG articles to fit under new topic page

[Bug 20464] Reorganize apis page to fit under new landing page

[Bug 20607] New: artifact text appears near title

[Bug 20610] New: Switch to the pecl memcache

[Bug 20610] Switch to the pecl memcache

[Bug 20614] Enable search-box autocomplete extension

[Bug 20614] New: Enable search-box autocomplete extension

[Bug 20620] New: Slow response time

[Bug 20620] Slow response time

[Bug 20625] New: New_Page input fields too narrow

[Bug 20625] New_Page input fields too narrow

[Bug 20626] New: Need a better way to specify non-primitive (or uncommon) return types

[Bug 20627] New: Exceptions need forms and templates

[Bug 20628] Constants (or enumerations) used as property and method values eed to have forms and templates

[Bug 20628] New: Constants (or enumerations) used as property and method values eed to have forms and templates

[Bug 20629] Finish Event template

[Bug 20629] New: Finish Event template

[Bug 20635] need "Filters" CSS topic cluster

[Bug 20635] New: need "Filters" CSS topic cluster

[Bug 20664] [dis][general][2h]Update main navigation links

[Bug 20664] New: [dis][general][2h]Update main navigation links

[Bug 20724] New: link hover changes text width

[Bug 20802] New: Thumb images should have margins, background and border

[Bug 20802] Thumb images should have margins, background and border

[Bug 20865] New: Redirect URLs with trailing slash

[Bug 20865] Redirect URLs with trailing slash

[Bug 20904] New: Comment count spacing

[Bug 20906] Add constructor sections to api objects

[Bug 20906] New: Add constructor sections to api objects

[Bug 20907] "not required example" checkmark also hides the examples

[Bug 20907] New: "not required example" checkmark also hides the examples

[Bug 20908] incorrect default sorting on some lists

[Bug 20908] New: incorrect default sorting on some lists

[Bug 20909] New: destroying the page with code examples

[Bug 20910] External sources listing issue with HTML5Rocks

[Bug 20910] New: External sources listing issue with HTML5Rocks

[Bug 20911] New: Missing margins in ordered lists

[Bug 20912] External_Attribution template displays CC-BY-SA image file name, not image

[Bug 20912] New: External_Attribution template displays CC-BY-SA image file name, not image

[Bug 20932] Compatibility table: Removed tables are shown below imported compatibility tables

[Bug 20932] New: Compatibility table: Removed tables are shown below imported compatibility tables

[Bug 20933] Need a standardization status for "Obsolete"

[Bug 20933] New: Need a standardization status for "Obsolete"

[Bug 20934] New: Escaped quotes or regular expressions break code example parsing

[Bug 20935] code example input breaks layout

[Bug 20935] New: code example input breaks layout

[Bug 20936] code example input breaks layout

[Bug 20936] New: code example input breaks layout

[Bug 20937] New: Slow page load

[Bug 20938] New: Standardization status is not displayed on HTML reference pages

[Bug 20938] Standardization status is not obvious on HTML reference pages

[Bug 20943] New: Interwiki map

[Bug 20954] New: Search result categories have bullets

[Bug 20954] Search result categories have bullets

[Bug 20955] CSS filter property has javascript as text after title

[Bug 20955] New: CSS filter property has javascript as text after title

[Bug 20988] New: Update templates so child pages can inherit compat information from their parents.

[Bug 20989] New: Links are created in example pages; screws up html encoded text

[Bug 21192] New: allow embedded live SVG images

[Bug 21213] New: Search box placeholder line-height

[Bug 21235] New: Logo link may become invisible mystery navigation when user color scheme enforced

[Bug 21254] New: Linking from a live code link in to breaks

[Bug 21351] New: Video icon pic not displayed correctly

[Bug 21351] Video icon pic not displayed correctly

[Bug 21380] New: Heading containing some HTML tags parses as HTML in the comment header

[Bug 21419] New: Logo on links to 404 page

Last message date: Thursday, 28 March 2013 06:37:10 UTC