Re: Charter roadmap

Hello Virginie,

I will be very happy to get feedback on the new version of the charter.
For W3C members like Gemalto, it can be now or during the AC review.
for non-w3c members, it should be now.
In terms of next steps, my current focus is to talk to various 
stakeholder and evaluate the commitments to join the work.
Our roadmap is probably to continue collecting feedback and revising one 
or more time the charter, and launch the formal AC review at the end of 
the summer, leading to a group launch around end of september or so, 
except if there is a strong push and commitment before.
Does that make sense?

Le 20/06/2014 16:30, GALINDO Virginie a écrit :
> Dear Stéphane,
> Can you clarify what are the next steps for that community group and for
> the charter ?
> Do we expect the last version to be commented again for a second round,
> or will that one be the reference for asking W3C management to start the
> Web Payment IG ?
> When will the IG charter will be endorsed by the W3C director, when will
> chairs be chosen, when can we schedule contributing to it ? (yes, you
> got my point, I am trying to budget potential gemalto contribution to
> this future IG !).
> Regards,
> Virginie Galindo
> gemalto
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Stephane Boyera
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Received on Monday, 23 June 2014 13:54:45 UTC