Re: WPWG On NOT abandoning the CG specs (was Re: Update on Web Payments Working Group)

On 28 September 2016 at 18:37, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:

> On 2016-09-28 15:05, Timothy Holborn wrote:
>> I often wonder where the strategic differentiation is in design
> > philosophy that results in heavy browser reliance vs. 'cloud'
> > alternatives that leave perhaps different MVP requirements for browsers.
> b89f-b92777167bb7-large.jpeg
> What ever happened to <keygen> why was it bad?
> This is something I have a stake in since I proposed that it should be
> removed
> from HTML5 back in 2009 for the simple reason that a 2-week student hack,
> missing
> support for basic stuff like PIN-codes, isn't usable by banks and
> governments.
> That proposal didn't make me overly popular :-(
> When Google much later suggested the same but from another angle, everybody
> cheered and said "let's squash this dated piece of crap".  Replacing
> <keygen>
> with something more 201X-ish wasn't on the menu.
> However, both Microsoft and Google have "enterprise solutions" for the US
> government et al to keep the (from their perspective) only real market
> intact.
> Or WebID-TLS UX support - too expensive?
> The USG have no UX problems since their users only have 0-2 certificates.
> The problem according to TAG is that client certificates potentially expose
> static IDs to parties that shouldn't have it.  If you rather hand out
> static IDs
> through an IdP (Identity Provider) like Google, everything is just fine :-)

But in this scenario, it also provides google with a back door into your
system, as well as tracking each time you log in.  Im not saying that's
necessarily a bad trade off, in all cases, but removal of choice is clearly
bad for end users.

> A
>> "Choice of Law California" seems to be a rather expensive problem to fix
>> too...  I guess so long as we can rely upon browsers, humanity can rest
>> easy ..
>> Tim.h.
>> On Wed., 28 Sep. 2016, 10:58 pm Adrian Hope-Bailie, <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     I agree with 99% of what you have said Melvin but I disagree that the
>> WG has dropped the ball.
>>     The WG is catching up. Don't mistake prioritization for ignorance or
>> naivete. Before we can start to dive into practical standards development
>> for "Web 3.0" we need to at least fill the huge gap that exists because
>> payments as part of the Web stopped with response code 402 (Reserved for
>> future use).
>>     What is often ignored from outside the W3C WGs is that the people who
>> are implementing the APIs we design have a cost to doing so. For browser
>> vendors, the actual development work is managed by product managers who
>> must balance a desire to add features with the cost of doing so.
>>     It's easy to look at the browser vendors and say they are refusing to
>> be innovative but another way to look at the situation is that they take
>> adherence to the W3C standards seriously enough to ensure that the
>> standards don't evolve faster than they can keep up. That is a lot more
>> positive than if they simply didn't care what was in the W3C standards
>> because they did their own thing anyway.
>>     If you want to accelerate things don't just bemoan the implementors.
>> Consider contributing to their open source browser engines, building
>> polyfills, writing tests etc.
>>     The HTTP APIs are the ones that will be most influential in the "Web
>> 3.0" world and the WG is committed to focusing on those as soon as we have
>> the browser APIs on track toward REC. Those specs are already published,
>> has everyone in this community reviewed them, tried implementing them,
>> commented on them, logged issues?
>>     There are a lot of groups looking at Web Payments NEXT, I can think
>> of 3 at W3C off the top of my head: the Interledger Project, your Web
>> Credits project, the Web Payments CG. Those groups are in the idea
>> incubation, POC phase. Unfortunately a W3C WG doesn't operate with the same
>> lack of constraints but with the HTTP APIs we'll have some more latitude
>> because they are not implemented by browsers they are implemented by the
>> wider community. The confluence of all of this work is ahead.
>>     Don't despair at the politics of standards development, this
>> community is making great progress at doing the most important thing such a
>> community can do. Building, testing, researching, debating issue and
>> getting things done.
>>     On 26 September 2016 at 17:31, Steven Rowat <
>> <>> wrote:
>>         On 9/26/16 6:04 AM, Pindar Wong wrote:
>>             Well said indeed Melvin.
>>         +1
>>             p.
>>             On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:53 PM, Melvin Carvalho
>>             < <>
>> < <>>>
>> wrote:
>>                 On 5 April 2016 at 23:05, Manu Sporny <
>> <>
>>                 < <mailto:
>>>>> wrote:
>>                     On 04/04/2016 06:49 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>                     > Lastly, please please please, dont abandon the CG
>> specifications.
>>                     > They are some of the best work anywhere.  In a
>> sense the CG is in
>>                     > some ways ahead of the WG at this point.
>>                     We have no intention of abandoning the concepts in
>> the CG
>>                     specifications. We will fight for the consensus
>> positions of
>>                     this group
>>                     - level playing field, financial inclusion, innovative
>>                     ecosystem, etc.
>>                     The recent scuffle in the Web Payments Working Group
>> is not
>>                     the end. A
>>                     decision was made to use the Microsoft/Google
>> specification as
>>                     the base
>>                     specification for the Web Payments Browser API. We
>> have the
>>                     ability to
>>                     change those specifications. One approach is by
>> submitting
>>                     counter-specifications like this:
>>                     <>
>>                     Another approach is for people from this community to
>> pick an
>>                     issue to
>>                     fight for/against and move that particular item
>> forward:
>>                     <>
>>                 Great!
>>                 The way I see it there are three webs, and three payments
>> webs:
>>                 Roughly speaking:
>>                 The Web 1.0 era (c. 1990-2000) is about web sites.  A
>> typical
>>                 payments solution would be a banking site or paypal.
>> This is a
>>                 model that's works well on the web and can be
>> standardized in a
>>                 fairly predictable way by identifying common pain points,
>> use case
>>                 and creating uniform APIs.  Definitely a pls.
>>                 The Web 2.0 era (c. 2000-2010) is more about web pages.
>> Typically
>>                 this allows a page to be a first class citizen of the web
>> and
>>                 dynamically access the network and update itself.  This
>> has lead
>>                 to patterns (primarily AJAX) that allow remote
>> interaction.
>>                 Payments now can be done in the browser sandbox within a
>> page, but
>>                 in a very similar fashion to web 1.0, however without page
>>                 reloads.  Similarly it makes sense for the WG to
>> standardize this
>>                 work and create APIs.
>>                 The web 3.0 era (c. 2010-2020+) is about data.  Data, and
>>                 particularly linked data, on the web becomes a first class
>>                 citizen.  This is a fundamentally different model, but
>> also one
>>                 that very few people have yet to understand.  It is in a
>> sense a
>>                 more distributed and decentralized model of the web in
>> line with
>>                 the original vision.  Payments in this paradigm new,
>> exciting, and
>>                 very powerful, and can solve use cases existing and not
>> yet
>>                 imagined to date.  It can also handle all existing use
>> cases via
>>                 bootstrapping.  In this sense it's very similar to
>> technologies
>>                 like bitcoin.  It also covers a lot of the work done with
>>                 which deals with first class data primitives on the web.
>>                 While it's valuable to try and modernize the work going
>> on in the
>>                 WG which is really revolved around web 1.0/2.0
>> technologies imho,
>>                 it seems there is a political will do dumb things down to
>> much
>>                 that independent web developers are struggling to have
>> their use
>>                 cases addressed.
>>                 It's common at the IETF to view a specification and have
>> in your
>>                 mind what future versions of that spec will look like.
>>                 So Id like to work on essentially W3C Web Payments NEXT,
>> without
>>                 waiting for the modernization of the vendor payments
>> system,
>>                 shopping cart experience, choosing a credit card, and
>> other nice
>>                 things the WG is doing, but have relatively little
>> relevance to
>>                 the exciting modern internet payments phenomena.  I think
>> the WG
>>                 has dropped the ball, for various reasons on this one,
>> but will
>>                 possibly still have useful deliverables.  Let's
>> anticipate that,
>>                 make it the best it can be, and perhaps look toward the
>> next
>>                 version of payments which can bootstrap the old and
>> create a whole
>>                 new era of use cases on the web ...
>>                 I've spent a lot of time doing infrastructure and
>> plumbing work
>>                 for this.  Im now ready to actually code stuff on top, and
>>                 integrate it into real world payments workflows and live
>> crypto
>>                 currencies.
>>                 I'd really like to take the recommendations here, and in
>> the block
>>                 chain community group to make very exciting payments
>> workflows, in
>>                 live systems, and incorporate existing useful workflows.
>>                     > I think there is a compelling case to be made
>> though interoperable
>>                     > implementations.  Im hoping to spend the next 3
>> quarters of this
>>                     > year working on some.  This can often be a better
>> way of convincing
>>                     > people than simply a specification ...
>>                     Agreed. Implementations matter. Digital Bazaar will
>> be doing an
>>                     implementation of the Web Payments HTTP API and the
>> hope is that
>>                     provides a counter-weight to some of the Browser API
>> design
>>                     decisions.
>>                     -- manu
>>                     --
>>                     Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+:
>> +Manu
>>                     Sporny)
>>                     Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>>                     blog: The Web Browser API Incubation Anti-Pattern
>> owser-api-incubation-antipattern/ <
>> rowser-api-incubation-antipattern/>

Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 17:33:55 UTC