Re: Update on Web Payments Working Group [The Web Browser API Incubation Anti-Pattern]

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Steven Rowat <>

>   C. The real question is: can Credentials be solved in an open-standard
> way, thereby creating a playing field on which an open Web Payments
> standard can flourish?

I have not introduced myself yet, as my firm's membership (Blockstream) has
been approved for W3C but has not been activated pending paperwork.

However, I want to be clear that the interest from my firm, and in general
from the blockchain and bitcoin community that we represent, is around
verified credentials that supports decentralized identity, private
channels, and selective disclosure/blinding/non-correlation of identifiers
and attributes. This is the main reason why we are joining W3C.

We are planning to make substantial contributions of open source code and
cryptographic develop effort in these areas over the next year (which is
part of why I'm involved with at the UN) and desire
this to be part of an open process. But if W3C is not the answer for this,
we'll move our efforts elsewhere.

-- Christopher Allen

Received on Monday, 4 April 2016 20:03:22 UTC