Interesting Developments in the Web Payment IG

Reading the comments and converted into normal language and understanding this issue essentially translates to:

     What is it we're *really* going to standardize [1]?

I think this verifies my firm belief that you need a fairly detailed, tested, and agreed-upon "input specification" *before* you start.  Although the "blank paper" approach may appear more open, it doesn't work particularly well in practice.  Another solution is to have a very "permissive" charter that enable members to follow whatever workable path they find during the voyage.

That is, the Web Payment IG/WG is currently best characterized as a research project.

This is also implied by the charter which mentions dependencies on other groups' not yet published findings.


1] *Recommend* is the charter's most recent way of expressing the goals

Received on Saturday, 3 October 2015 12:42:45 UTC