Re: URIs in License Template in PaySwarm Vocabulary

On 11/03/2014 11:00 AM, Brent Shambaugh wrote:
> In the license template at 
> [1] is it possible 
> (perhaps formal) to replace 
> with any URI 
> regardless of whether it contains the license text, and then use 
> another URI to show the text?

With the current design, the licenseTemplate is supposed to contain the
full text, I'll explain why below.

> Eventually I'd like the license to point to an RDF/XML version of
> the license like in the Creative Commons Rights Expression Language.
>  Perhaps both.

Yes, this is the hope and the plan. We also expect ODRL to be used.

> "@context": "", "id": 
> "", "type": 
> "ps:License", "format": "text/html", "licenseTemplate": "This 
> personal use license allows you to save the purchased item onto any 
> device that you own for your personal enjoyment and make up to <span
>  property=\"ex:physicalCopies\"/> printed copies of the work for 
> personal use.", "licenseTerms": { "ex:physicalCopies": 5}
> }

Note the licenseTerms? Those are used to replace the RDFa markup in the
template. In the example above, this:

"and make up to <span property=\"ex:physicalCopies\"/> printed copies"

would be replaced with this:

"and make up to 5 printed copies"

Keep in mind that this approach predates most of the ODRL2 work, that
may be a better solution now. We don't have many people looking into how
to express a parametric license in a digital receipt/contract in this
particular group. It's an area that needs some work.

If you make a purchase via, you'll notice the
licenseText in your digital receipt. So, the approach above is
implemented in the current version of PaySwarm, but I don't think any of
us believe that it's better than ODRL2 + Creative Commons, or some other
ODRL-based expression mechanism.

Ideally, you'd express parametric licenses in a human-readable and
machine-readable fashion. What we were trying to accomplish with license
and licenseText was the expression of a general license with variables
for certain values of the license (like purchase date, license period,
allowable copies, etc.) where a particular Offer would fill in the
parameters of the license via the "licenseTerms" value.

Does that make sense to you? Any other questions? This part of the
framework is in need of an overhaul, preferably using ODRL2.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2014 01:31:16 UTC