Re: U2F Demo

On fim 29.maí 2014 21:13, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> The demo describes quite well what U2F does, and how.
Huh. Yeah, I'll admit I didn't watch it the first time around. Instead,
I went and read a bit of FIDO's documentation. The actual spec is on my
reading list now; if this tech actually gets deployed widely, it's
definitely worth understanding. But none of that, including watching the
demo, gives me the impression that U2F is able to do anything other than
enable the user to authenticate against an existing user database. An
important function, but only one step in federated identity. I do not
see, for instance, how U2F helps you assert your identity with one
service to another. That's what OpenID and OAuth are used for. (And note
that it's OpenID in particular that Persona was gunning to replace, due
to the blatant privacy problems of OpenID, which are features and not
bugs to parties like Google and facebook.)

> That the WebID and WebPayments groups (unlike the mentioned bunch of
> mega-corporations
> who put their money on U2F), do not have a useful and strong
> client-authentication mechanism.
Useful, perhaps not. Certificates are a shambles, and that's actually
even more true of server-side certificates than client certificates. For
client certificates, it's mostly the user experience that's broken. For
the rest, it's the whole damn system. But that's another story.

Persona, on the other hand, isn't client-authentication. What Persona
does is enable you to prove that you're already logged in somewhere
else. The duration that proof is valid is not controlled by the client,
but by the identity provider. So you can use it to log in to a third
party, but you still have to be logged in _somewhere_. Using U2F to log
in there seems like a pretty good idea.

The "detailed login example" in the Identity Credential document
actually glosses quite glibly over this, but in between the "proper
query" and final reply is a step where the identity provider decides
whether or not to provide the information. How this process works is
specified in some detail in the BrowserID spec.

> Using U2F would be cool but I don't see how that could work.  If you do,
> I suggest
> writing a short paper showing how so we have something concrete to talk
> about.
My suggestion is that U2F is used by identity providers to handle the
client login. Then you layer pretty much any federated protocol you care
to mention on top of that. Persona, SAML, Kerberos. *shrug*

Using WebID and Identity Credentials is much more about specifying a
clear way to enable access to machine-readable user information than
immediate authentication. Both say the identity should be a
dereferenceable IRI, resulting in an RDF document containing user
information. The difference is that WebID requires Turtle and suggests
FOAF, Identity Credentials requires JSON-LD and seems to prefer Of course, that information may include stuff that is
relevant to authentication. Such as public keys or their fingerprints.
(Which is what WebID's certificate sign-in method relies on.)

The "log in" proposal in Identity Credentials is actually not that; it's
a proposed discovery system: "How do I get from an email address to a
dereferenceable IRI for an authenticated user?"

With greetings,
  Herbert Snorrason

Received on Friday, 30 May 2014 00:07:17 UTC