Proof of Concept: Identity Credentials Login

TL;DR: There is now an open source demo of credential-based login
for the Web. We think it’s better than Persona, WebID+TLS, and
OpenID Connect. If we can build enough support for Identity
Credentials over the next year, we’d like to standardize it via
the W3C.

This is a text-only version of the original blog post, which can be 
found here:

Identity Credentials and Web Login

    In a [1]previous blog post, I outlined the need for a better login
    solution for the Web and why Mozilla Persona, WebID+TLS, and
    OpenID Connect currently don’t address important use cases that
    we’re considering in the Web Payments Community Group. The blog
    post contained a proposal for a new login mechanism for the Web
    that was simultaneously more decentralized, more extensible,
    enabled a level playing field, and was more privacy-aware than the
    previously mentioned solutions.

    In the private conversations we have had with companies large and
    small, the proposal was met with a healthy dose of skepticism and
    excitement. There was enough excitement generated to push us to
    build a proof-of-concept of the technology. We are releasing this
    proof-of-concept to the Web today so that other technologists can
    take a look at it. It’s by no means done, there are plenty of bugs
    and security issues that we plan to fix in the next several weeks,
    but the core of the idea is there and you can try it out.

The Demo

    The demonstration that we’re releasing today is a proof-of-concept
    asserting that we can have a unified, secure identity and login
    solution for the Web. The technology is capable of storing and
    transmitting your identity credentials (email address, payment
    processor, shipping address, driver’s license, passport, etc.)
    while also protecting your privacy from those that would want to
    track and sell your online browsing behavior. It is in the same
    realm of technology as Mozilla Persona, WebID+TLS, and OpenID
    Connect. Benefits of using this technology include:
      * Solving the [2]NASCAR login problem in a way that greatly
        increases identity provider competition.
      * Removing the need for usernames and passwords when logging
        into 99.99% of the websites that you use today.
      * Auto-filling information that you have to repeat over and over
        again (shipping address, name, email, etc.).
      * Solving the NASCAR payments problem in a way that greatly
        increases payment processor competition.
      * Storage and transmission of credentials, such as email
        addresses, driver’s licenses, and digital passports, via the
        Web that cryptographically prove that you are who you say you

    The demonstration is based on the [3]Identity Credentials
    technology being developed by the [4]Web Payments Community Group
    at the [5]World Wide Web Consortium. It consists of an ecosystem
    of four example websites. The purpose of each website is explained

Identity Provider (

    The Identity Provider stores your identity document and any
    information about you including any credentials that other sites
    may issue to you. This site is used to accomplish several things
    during the demo:
      * Create an identity.
      * Register your identity with the Login Hub.
      * Generate a verified email credential and store it in your

Login Hub (

    This site helps other websites discover your identity provider in
    a way that protects your privacy from both the website you’re
    logging into as well as your identity provider. Eventually the
    functionality of this website will be implemented directly in
    browsers, but until that happens, it is used to bootstrap the
    discovery of and login/credential transmission process for the
    identity provider. This site is used to do the following things
    during the demo:
      * Register your identity, creating an association between your
        identity provider and the email address and passphrase you use
        on the login hub.
      * Login to a website.

   Credential Issuer (

    This site is responsible for verifying information about you like
    your home address, driver’s license, and passport information.
    Once the site has verified some information about you, it can
    issue a credential to you. For the purposes of the demonstration,
    all verifications are simulated and you will immediately be given
    a credential when you ask for one. All credentials are digitally
    signed by the issuer which means their validity can be proven
    without the need to contact the issuer (or be online). This site
    is used to do the following things during the demo:
      * Login using an email credential.
      * Issue other credentials to yourself like a business address,
        proof of age, driver’s license, and digital passport.

   Single Sign-On Demo

    The single sign-on website, while not implemented yet, will be
    used to demonstrate the simplicity of credential-based login. The
    sign-on process requires you to click a login button, enter your
    email and passphrase on the Login Hub, and then verify that you
    would like to transmit the requested credential to the single
    sign-on website. This website will allow you to do the following
    in a future demo:
      * Present various credentials to log in.

How it Works

    The demo is split into four distinct parts. Each part will be
    explained in detail in the rest of this post. Before you try the
    demo, it is important that you understand that this is a
    proof-of-concept. The demo is pretty easy to break because we
    haven’t spent any time polishing it. It’ll be useful for
    technologists that understand how the Web works. It has only been
    tested in Google Chrome, versions 31 – 35. There are glaring
    security issues with the demo that have solutions which have not
    been implemented yet due to time constraints. We wanted to publish
    our work as quickly as possible so others could critique it early
    rather than sitting on it until it was “done”. With those caveats
    clearly stated up front, let’s dive in to the demo.

   Creating an Identity

    The first part of the demo requires you to [6]create an identity
    for yourself. Do so by clicking the link in the previous sentence.
    Your short name can be something simple like your first name or a
    handle you use online. The passphrase should be something long and
    memorable that is specific to you. When you click the Create
    button, you will be redirected to your new identity page.

    Note the text displayed in the middle of the screen. This is your
    raw identity data in [7]JSON-LD format. It is a machine-readable
    representation of your credentials. There are only three pieces of
    information in it in the beginning. The first is the JSON-LD
    @context value,, which tells machines
    how to interpret the information in the document. The second is
    the id value, which is the location of this particular identity on
    the Web. The third is the sysPasswordHash, which is just a bcrypt
    hash of your login password to the identity website.

   Global Web Login Network

    Now that you have an identity, you need to register it with the
    global Web login network. The purpose of this network is to help
    map your preferred email address to your identity provider. Keep
    in mind that in the future, the piece of software that will do
    this mapping will be your web browser. However, until this
    technology is built into the browser, we will need to bootstrap
    the email to identity document mapping in another way.

    The way that both Mozilla Persona and OpenID do it is fairly
    similar. OpenID assumes that your email address maps to your
    identity provider. So, an OpenID login name of
    assumes that is your identity provider. Mozilla Persona
    went a step further by saying that if wouldn’t vouch for
    your email address, that they would. So Persona would first check
    to see if spoke the Persona protocol, and if it didn’t,
    the burden of validating the email address would fall back to
    Mozilla. This approach put Mozilla in the unenviable position of
    running a lot of infrastructure to make sure this entire system
    stayed up and running.

    The Identity Credentials solution goes a step further than Mozilla
    Persona and states that you are the one that decides which
    identity provider your email address maps to. So, if you have an
    email address like, you can use as your
    identity provider. You can probably imagine that this makes the
    large identity providers nervous because it means that they’re now
    going to have to compete for your business. You have the choice of
    who is going to be your identity provider regardless of what your
    email address is.

    So, let’s register your new identity on the global web login
    network. Click the text on the screen that says “Click here to
    register”. That will take you to a site called This
    website serves two purposes. The first is to map your preferred
    email address to your identity provider. The second is to protect
    your privacy as you send information from your identity provider
    and send it to other websites on the Internet (more on this

    You should be presented with a screen that asks you for three
    pieces of information. Your preferred email address, a passphrase,
    and a verification of that passphrase. When you enter this
    information, it will be used to do a number of things. The first
    thing that will happen is that a public/private keypair will be
    generated for the device that you’re using (your web browser, for
    instance). This key will be used as a second factor of
    authentication in later steps in this process. The second thing
    that will happen is that your email address and passphrase will be
    used to generate a query token, which will be later used to query
    the decentralized [8]Telehash-based identity network. The third
    thing that will happen is that your query token to identity
    document mapping will be encrypted and placed onto the Telehash

     The Decentralized Database (Telehash)

    We could spend an entire blog post itself on Telehash, but the
    important thing to understand about it is that it provides a
    mechanism to store data in a decentralized database and query that
    database at a later time for the data. By storing this query token
    and query response in the decentralized database, it allows us to
    find your identity provider mapping regardless of which device
    you’re using to access the Web and independent of who your email
    provider is.

    In fact, note that I said that you use your “preferred email
    address” above? It doesn’t need to be an email address, it could
    be a simple string like “Bob” and a unique passphrase. Even though
    there are many “Bob”s in the world, the likelyhood that they’d use
    the same 20+ character passphrase is unlikely and therefore one
    could use just a first name and a complex passphrase. That said,
    we’re suggesting that most non-technical people use a preferred
    email address because most people won’t understand the dangers of
    SHA-256 collisions on username+passphrase combinations like
    sha256(“Bob” + “password”). In addition to this aside, the
    decentralized database solution doesn’t need to be Telehash. It
    could just as easily be a decentralized ledger like Namecoin or

    Once you have filled out your preferred email address and
    passphrase, click the Register button. You will be sent back to
    your identity provider and will see two new pieces of information.
    The first piece of information is sysIdpMapping, which is the
    decentralized database query token (query) and
    passphrase-encrypted mapping (queryResponse). The second piece of
    information is sysDeviceKeys, which is the public key associated
    with the device that you registered your identity through and
    which will be used as a second factor of authentication in later
    versions of the demo. The third piece of information is
    sysRegistered, which is an indicator that the identity has been
    registered with the decentralized database.

   Acquiring an Email Credential

    At this point, you can’t really do much with your identity since
    it doesn’t have any useful credential information associated with
    it. So, the next step is to put something useful into your
    identity. When you create an account on most websites, the first
    thing the website asks you for is an email address. It uses this
    email address to communicate with you. The website will typically
    verify that it can send and receive an email to that address
    before fully activating your account. You typically have to go
    through this process over and over again, once for each new site
    that you join. It would be nice if an identity solution designed
    for the Web would take care of this email registration process for
    you. For those of you familiar with Mozilla Persona, this approach
    should sound very familiar to you.

    The Identity Credentials technology is a bit different from
    Mozilla Persona in that it enables a larger number of
    organizations to verify your email address than just your email
    provider or Mozilla. In fact, we see a future where there could be
    tens, if not hundreds, of organizations that could provide email
    verification. For the purposes of the demo, the Identity Provider
    will provide a “simulated verification” (aka fake) of your email
    address. To get this credential, click on the text that says
    “Click here to get one”.

    You will be presented with a single input field for your email
    address. Any email address will do, but you may want to use the
    preferred one you entered earlier. Once you have entered your
    email address, click “Issue Email Credential”. You will be sent
    back to your identity page and you should see your first
    credential listed in your JSON-LD identity document beside the
    credential key. Let’s take a closer look at what constitutes a
    credential in the system.

    The EmailCredential is a statement that a 3rd party has done an
    email verification on your account. Any credential that conforms
    to the Identity Credentials specification is composed of a set of
    claims and a signature value. The claims tie the information that
    the 3rd party is asserting, such as an email address, to the
    identity. The signature is composed of a number of fields that can
    be used to cryptographically prove that only the issuer of the
    credential was capable of issuing this specific credential. The
    details of how the signature is constructed can be found in the
    [9]Secure Messaging specification.

    Now that you have an email credential, you can use it to log into
    a website. The next demonstration will use the email credential to
    log into a credential issuer website.

Credential-based Login

    Most websites will only require an email credential to log in.
    There are other sites, such as ecommerce sites or high-security
    websites, that will require a few more credentials to successfully
    log in or use their services. For example, a ecommerce site might
    require your payment processor and shipping address to send you
    the goods you purchased. A website that sells local wines might
    request that you provide a credential proving that you are above
    the required drinking age in your locality. A travel website might
    request your digital passport to ease your security clearing
    process if you are traveling internationally. There are many more
    types of speciality credentials that one may issue and use via the
    Identity Credentials technology. The next demo will entail issuing
    some of these credentials to yourself. However, before we do that,
    we have to login to the credential issuer website using our newly
    acquired email credential.

    Go to the [10] website and click on the “Login”
    button. This will immediately send you to the login hub website
    where you had previously registered your identity. The request
    sent to the login hub by will effectively be a
    request for your email credential. Once you’re on,
    enter your preferred email address and passphrase and then click

    While you were entering your email address and passphrase, the page connected to the Telehash network and readied
    itself to send a query. When you click “Login”, your email address
    and passphrase are SHA-256′d and sent as a query to the Telehash
    network. Your identity provider will receive the request and
    respond to the query with an encrypted message that will then be
    decrypted using your passphrase. The contents of that message will
    tell the login hub where your identity provider is holding your
    identity. The request for the email credential is then forwarded
    to your identity provider. Note that at this point your identity
    provider has no idea where the request for your email credential
    is coming from because it is masked by the login hub website. This
    masking process protects your privacy.

    Once the request for your email credential is received by your
    identity provider, a response is packaged up and sent back to, which then relays that information back to Once recieves your email
    credential, it will log you into the website. Note at this point
    that you didn’t have to enter a single password on the website, all you needed was an email credential to
    log in. Now that you have logged in, you can start issuing
    additional credentials to yourself.

Issuing Additional Credentials

    The previous section introduced the notion that you can issue many
    different types of credentials. Once you have logged into the website, you may now issue a few of these
    credentials to yourself. Since this is a demonstration, no attempt
    will be made to verify those credentials by a 3rd party. The
    credentials that you can issue to yourself include a business
    address, proof of age, payment processor, driver’s license, and
    passport. You many specify any information that you’d like to
    specify in the input fields to see how the credential would look
    if it held real data.

    Once you have filled out the various fields, click the blue button
    to issue the credential. The credential will be digitally signed
    and sent to your identity provider, which will then show you the
    credential that was issued to you. You have a choice to accept or
    reject the credential. If you accept the credential, it is written
    to your identity.

    You may repeat this process as many times as you would like. Note
    that on the passport credential how there is an issued on date as
    well as an expiration date to demonstrate that credentials can
    have a time limit associated with them.

Known Issues

    As mentioned throughout this post, this demonstration has a number
    of shortcomings and areas that need improvement, among them are:
      * Due to a lack of time, we didn’t setup our own HTTPS Telehash
        seed. Since we didn’t setup the HTTPS Telehash seed, we
        couldn’t run secured by TLS due to security
        settings in most web browsers related to WebSocket
        connections. Not using TLS results in a gigantic
        man-in-the-middle attack possibility. A future version will,
        of course, use both TLS and HSTS on the website.
      * The Telehash query/response database isn’t decentralized yet.
        There are a number of complexities associated with creating a
        decentralized storage/query network, and we haven’t decided on
        what the proper approach should be. There is no reason why the
        decentralized database couldn’t be NameCoin or Ripple-based,
        and it would probably be good if we had multiple backend
        databases that supported the same query/response protocol.
      * We don’t check digital signatures yet, but will soon. We were
        focused on the flow of data first and ensuring security
        parameters were correct second. Clearly, you would never want
        to run such a system in production, but we will improve it
        such that all digital signatures are verified.
      * We do not use the public/private keypair generated in the
        browser to limit the domain and validity length of credentials
        yet. When the system is productionized, implementing this will
        be a requirement and will protect you even if your credentials
        are stolen through a phishing attack on
      * We expect there to be many more security vulnerabilities that
        we haven’t detected yet. That said, we do believe that there
        are no major design flaws in the system and are releasing the
        proof-of-concept, along with [11]source code, to the general
        public for feedback.

Feedback and Future Work

    If you have any questions or concerns about this particular demo,
    please leave them as comments on this blog post or send them as
    comments to the [12] mailing list.

    Just as you logged in to the website using your
    email credential, you may also use other credentials such as your
    driver’s license or passport to log in to websites. Future work on
    this demo will add functionality to demonstrate the use of other
    forms of credentials to perform logins while also addressing the
    security issues outlined in the previous section.



-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Identity Credentials and Web Login

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 04:24:24 UTC