Re: Distinctions between Payments CG, Payments Workshop, and

Hello Manu & Web Payments CG participants,
Hello Daniel & Jeff,

>> I'd like to suggest that this site be removed from public view until
>> it can be revised in a way that represents both the spirit and the
>> letter of the W3C's mission and the CG's charter. I'd be a lot more
>> comfortable if it was hosted by W3C as well.
> To be clear, you have stated that PayPal/eBay has no intention of
> joining the Web Payments CG due to IPR concerns. As a non-member of the
> group, you are now asking for a website that is owned and operated by
> the Web Payments CG to be taken down. Taking the audio and text minutes
> from 60+ hours of very transparent teleconferences, as well as all 18
> specification documents offline is wandering near the territory of
> censorship. That seems very aggressive.
I must admit feeling quite confused!

Searching Web Payments CG archives:

I find no previous email from account: or in general

I hear name Daniel Austin for the first time and from a web search I 
find note about Daniel's nomination to W3C TAG

Where next surprise comes about your Daniel's around W3C IPR ???

 > Companies with significant IP in this space may not be members of the 
CG due to IPR restrictions.

I would very much appreciate deeper elaborations on this issue!

I also found minutes from this CG telekom in which Daniel participated:

I hope that once we clarify differences among various opinions around 
current wording on website we can direct our focus on 
technical aspects of open technologies for Web Payments.

Also if relevant work happens in other open communities I believe we all 
will welcome invitations to participate in them. So far I can only think of:
* (I followed ripple mailing list for a 
while but not sure if fully represents it!)

I see in mentioned CG telekom minutes:
Daniel Austin: We want a level playing field for everyone, an equal standard
Daniel Austin: We want to use existing security and identity specs and 
initiatives. (example OAuth)

Does *We* refer to some internal working group or some open 
community where everyone working in this field can participate?

Thank you for help with clarifying this confusing (at lest to me) 
situation :)

Ciao o/

Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 09:15:32 UTC