Re: Web Payments and the World Banking Conference (SIBOS)

Dave et al,

>Thanks for a most interesting report. Did you mention that W3C
> plans to hold a workshop on payments next year, and what was the response?
>As you know, the W3C Team are planning a workshop on potential standardization
> and based upon the premise of enabling a level playing field for all payment solution
>providers, existing or new, large or small.

Personally I believe an enhanced version of WebCrypto would be a better mouse-trap
because it could enable a variety of web-based payment systems and protocols.
There will never be a single payment system or protocol.

It is good enough if the payee can query the payer for payment options.

Unfortunately the WebCrypto group lacks competence in this area and the current
deliverable probably won't reach particular far outside of super-providers like Google.


Received on Friday, 27 September 2013 06:14:14 UTC