Re: [IMPORTANT] Trademark violation for Web Keys

On 27 July 2013 07:39, Michael J. Williams <>wrote:

> +1 "http keys"

"http keys" has grown on me as a stop-gap working title, we can always
change it again, or keep it if people like it

Im happy with any of manu's suggestions

> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Kingsley Idehen <>wrote:
>> On 7/25/13 1:39 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've just received a cease and desist related to the Web Keys
>>> specification. It turns out that a company called BIO-key International
>>> has a trademark on "WEB-key". I've already done the search in the USPTO,
>>> and this is a valid claim by BIO-key International.
>>> I've asked for 4 days for the community to come up with a new name for
>>> the spec. They have not responded yet and I don't know if they'll give
>>> us 4 days. If they don't, I'll immediately pick a new name for the spec
>>> and publish it under that new name, replacing all uses of the term "Web
>>> Key" on the PaySwarm website.
>>> Here are some thoughts on a new name for the Web Keys spec, others
>>> should feel free to weigh in with +1/-1 or preferably, better
>>> suggestions:
>>> Secure Web Messaging
>>> Secure Messaging
>>> Web Messaging
>>> Keyjitsu / Keyjutsu (play off of jujitsu / jujutsu - "a method of using
>>>                       cryptographic keys to protect yourself online" - a
>>>                       bit tongue in cheek)
>>> Web Stamping
>>> Assured Messaging
>>> This is time critical, so the sooner we can get agreement, the better.
>>> -- manu
>> How about:
>> 1. http-keys -- remember, this is HTTP specific
>> 2. net-keys -- we are dealing with a network
>> 3. global-web-keys -- triangulates back to "web keys" .
>> Hope these help.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen
>> Founder & CEO
>> OpenLink Software
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Received on Sunday, 28 July 2013 16:04:40 UTC