Agenda: Web Payments Telecon - Tuesday, August 21st 2012

This week will be a review of the client-side purchase process, a
discussion of what the HTML5 Web Apps demo should look like, and the
extra code that we think we might need to accomplish the goal to support
the Read Write Web CG and Melvin.

If there are any updates or changes to the Agenda, please send them to
the mailing list before the telecon or mention them at the beginning of
the call.

The dial-in information as well as minutes and audio logs of previous
meetings can be found here:

Tuesday, August 21st 2012
Time: 1800 UTC, 11am San Francisco, 2pm Boston, 7pm London
Digital Bazaar Telecon Bridge
Phone US: +1.540.961.4469 x6300
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribes: Longley, Manu, Jeff, Lehn


1. Client-side Purchase process
2. Status Update on PaySwarm Alpha 4 release
3. HTML5 Web Apps demo details

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Which is better - RDFa Lite or Microdata?

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 03:20:18 UTC