from May 2023 by subject

[w3c/payment-handler] Limit information available during canmakepayment event (Issue #413)

[w3c/payment-handler] registration paymentManager instruments .set 'instrument-key' handler payment (Issue #410)

[w3c/payment-request] [Spec] Fix broken reference to permissions-policy (PR #1007)

[w3c/payment-request] [Spec] Only allow show() to be called in a foreground tab (PR #1005)

[w3c/payment-request] PaymentRequest api on Safari/IOS v15.6.4 (Issue #1006)

[w3c/payment-request] Tidied up document using tidy-html5 (PR #1008)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 13:25:04 UTC