Re: [w3c/payment-handler] Replace 'enabledMethods' array with 'method' string. (#276)

ianbjacobs commented on this pull request.

> @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ <h2>
         <li>During service worker registration, the <a>PaymentManager</a> is
         used to set:
-            <li>A list of <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.enabledMethods">enabled
-            payment methods</a>.
+            <li>A list of <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.method">enabled payment
+            methods</a>.

Here's a suggestion for re-writing bullet 3 of this list (in section 2 of the spec):

<li>During service worker registration, the <a>PaymentManager</a> is
used to set a list of <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.PaymentInstrument">payment instruments</a>. Each <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.PaymentInstrument">payment instrument</a> provides data to the user agent to improve the user experience of selecting payment credentials:
   <li>The <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.method">method</a> and optional <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.capabilities">capabilities</a> inform the user agent decision whether to display this instrument as a candidate for payment.</li>
   <li>When the instrument matches what the payee accepts, the user agent displays the <a data-lt="">Name</a> and <a data-lt="PaymentInstrument.icon">icon</a>. These provide hints about payment credentials that the user agent will return in the <a>PaymentHandlerResponse</a> if the user selects this instrument.</li>

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