RE: WPIG Chair Updates

Wonderful news! Congratulations Dapeng Liu!

​​​​​* katie *
Katie Haritos-Shea 
Principal ICT Accessibility Architect (WCAG/Section 508/ADA/AODA)
Cell: 703-371-5545 | | Oakton, VA | LinkedIn Profile | Office: 703-371-5545 | @ryladog

NOTE: The content of this email should be construed to always be an expression of my own personal independent opinion, unless I identify that I am speaking on behalf of Knowbility, as their AC Rep at the W3C - and - that my personal email never expresses the opinion of my employer, Deque Systems.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jacobs [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:52 AM
To: Web Payments IG <>
Subject: WPIG Chair Updates

Dear WPIG,

Today W3C announced some chairing changes to the Web Payments Interest Group.

Please welcome Dapeng Liu (Alibaba Group) as a new co-Chair. Dapeng will join David Ezell (NACS) in shaping the group’s agenda.

Please also join me in thanking departing co-Chair Erik Anderson for his contributions to the Interest Group.


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 14:26:03 UTC