[use cases] Major re-work

There has been a major re-work to the use cases document based on the
discussions we've had over the past several weeks. Unfortunately, I
didn't see the thread that happened today (with Ian's new document and
the comment thread that followed) before I did the edits. So, when I did
the edits, I was looking at http://www.w3.org/2015/02/wpay-sample.html
and not http://www.w3.org/2015/03/wpay-usecases.html.

The good news is that this has resulted in two documents that take
slightly different approaches, which means we have more stuff to
compare/contrast (which is usually healthy for a document). By the looks
of it, it won't take much time to sync the documents up (and I may be
able to do that tomorrow).

Take a look at the updated Table of Contents:


In essence, the document is supposed to read like this now:

1. Very high-level introduction to the document
2. Overview of the payment phases
3. Brief example of how the payment phases look like in real life
4. Detailed breakout of payment phases w/ micro use cases, priorities,
   and editor's notes on justification for each micro use case
5. Thorough details on how the payment phases apply to real world
   scenarios like credit card, echeck, Bitcoin payment, tax collection,

The document is designed so a reader can read it from top to bottom
(believe it or not, not all specs are written like this) and stop
reading after each major section and walk away with a fairly complete
(but fuzzy) view of what's going on.

Ian and I will have to sync at some point and figure out the path
forward. There are a number of items in his new document that I think we
should integrate (and a number of changes that I made to the "old" text
that should probably stay in there).

It feels like we're honing in on a structure that will work for us. I
think the major sections that we need for a FPWD is filling out Section
5 as much as we can and adding 2-3 solid examples to section 6.

Comments, suggestions are always welcome.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 06:13:11 UTC