X9 Action on behalf of Web Payments Activity

Dear Web Payments IG members:

Thanks to Claudia for getting us past the first (and most important) hurdle to getting a more open relationship with the internation organizations that deal with many of the regulatory issues we face in payments.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Swendseid, Claudia [mailto:claudia.swendseid@mpls.frb.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 2:23 PM
To: David Ezell; 'eanderson20@bloomberg.net'; Adler, Patrick
Cc: Baxter, Cynthia
Subject: X9 Action

Hi W3C WPIG co-chairs.

The X9 Board approved the W3C liaison D relationship requested to ISO TC68 SC7 WG10 and WG1. This is good news.

My understanding is that ISO typically accepts the vote of the country that hosts the requesting organization. I'll follow-up with the X9 staff on the time involved in receiving formal approval from ISO for this liaison relationship. Once that happens all WPIG members will have the access needed to ISO and X9 draft and final standards.


Claudia Swendseid

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Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2015 18:37:19 UTC