Welcome to the new Web Payment Flows Mailing List

Hi All,


Following the WebPayments f2f in San Francisco last week, we've decided to
do some restructuring based on feedback and the new focus specifically
towards FPWD.


The 1st change is that we will be using this mailing list to communicate.
You can find the archive here


This makes the process more open and follows the standard w3c way of
working. I encourage you to use the mailing list for communication with this
group, though obviously it still makes sense for communication that is more
appropriate for direct email to use that channel so we don't unnecessarily
clog peoples inboxes.


The next step will be to move the Git Repo including the Wiki to a separate
area so we can have issues and wiki information that focuses on the Flows
Task force. Please watch out for the update on this, but in the meantime,
please hold off any Pull Requests or Wiki updates.




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Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2016 19:34:45 UTC