Verifiable Claims at W3C

W3C member the Recording Industry Association of America has reviewed the proposed Charter of the W3C Verifiable Claims Working Group and is broadly supportive of its approval. It notes that the implementation of such a recommendation is in practice a matter for business partners downstream of recording owners, but that the requirements of recording owners might usefully influence the direction of the standard.

RIAA would be prepared to nominate one of its staff representatives to an approved WG to ensure that the requirements of recording owners are reflected in the work of the group. It expects these requirements to include the need for confidence (whether provided through the recommendation or by a technology interoperable with it) that a Verifiable Claim is being asserted by a party entitled to do so.

Paul Jessop

Chief Technology Adviser, RIAA

Paul Jessop              county analytics ltd


rights - technology - markets - music - media

---------------------------------------------      +44 7850 685378

Received on Monday, 24 October 2016 18:13:56 UTC