Re: ISSUE-126 (Revisit Datatypes): A new proposal for the real <-> float <-> double conundrum

>> The integer data domain is a subset of the number data domain.  
>> There is absolutely no need for a float data domain. OWL  
>> implementations should support particular values encoded using the  
>> `xsd:int` and `xsd:float` lexical representations. These values are  
>> all in the number domain.
> This goes against existing implementation and use, wherein xsd:float  
> is disjoint from xsd:int.

Cerebra did not make them disjoint. Neither does KAON2. And testing  
reveals that neither does FaCT++. The only reasoner I can find that  
makes them disjoint is Pellet. This sheds a lot of light on your  
definition of "existing implementation and use".

If you intend to attempt to enshrine bugs in Clark & Parsia products  
in the OWL standard, I suggest that you do it as a representative of  
Clark & Parsia and not as a representative of Manchester, which has an  
interest in FaCT++.


Received on Monday, 7 July 2008 14:00:05 UTC