Comments on primer

I have attempted to look at the Primer from the viewpoint of
non-specialized user that want to understand what OWL is about and
whether it would be useful for them.  Some sections seem to work, other
don't. The section on basic notions is good, but needs a bit more
explanation in some places.  However, when looking at the overall
organization it seemed to me that the Primer should answer some specific
questions.  I have given a shot at these questions and an idea for the
shape of the answer.  If these are the right questions then the
questions determine the outline.
1.	What is the purpose of the document?
*	Introduce OWL 2 to a general, non-specialized audience
	2.	What is OWL 2
*	Proposed W3C standard, ...
	3.	What is the intent or purpose of OWL 2?
*	Knowledge representation language, e.g., for modeling real world
	4.	What is the history of OWL?
*	Heritage of KR languages and DL
	5.	What are the design criteria for OWL?
*	Expressiveness
*	Sound reasoning
*	Interoperability
*	KB management
*	Interoperability - data interchange formats
	6.	What are the basic notions? 
*	Instances, classes, relations, datatypes
*	Class constructors
	7.	What are some applications of OWL?
*	Life sciences, systems engineering, information management
	8.	What is the syntax?
*	Note that multiple concrete syntaxes are possible
Minor point - is the Primer about OWL 2 or OWL 1? There is some
inconsistency in usage.  

- Henson Graves

Received on Thursday, 24 April 2008 17:24:32 UTC