Re: Jena2 OWL semantic tests - preliminary results

> has been
republished to include this.

> The negative entailment tests are reported as passing in the weak sense that 
> we 
> do not find the entailment. These should probably be reported as incomplete 
> rather than pass.

They should indeed; will you please change this?

As I understand it, passing a N.E.T. means proving that the entailment
does not hold in the given logic (DL, Full, Lite).  Calling it
incomplete at least says it's not a "Fail", and the output link can
give details about how thorough the search for a decision was (even
though finding one would have indicated a failure).  Or you can just
skip them, since you know it'll never pass.

      -- sandro

Received on Wednesday, 24 September 2003 12:58:00 UTC