implicit ways to define mandatory properties in OWL?


as far as I understand, the usual way to specify 
a _required_ property is by using OWL's cardinality
constraints (owl:cardinality, owl:minCardinality, 
owl:maxCardinality) on local classes/restrictions.

I wonder if there are any other ways to flag a 
property (locally or globally) as mandatory?

thanx for your time and help,

[background: I'm working on a tool which creates html
forms based on an OWL ontology that can only be 
submitted if at least the mandatory fields are 
filled in. Now I'm trying to find out, if I missed
something in the OWL docs..]

benjamin nowack

kruppstrasse 82-100
45145 essen, germany

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2003 12:50:57 UTC