a possible syntax error in equivalentProperty/premises005 ?


While I'm testing and browsing W3C OWL test cases, I found a strange
premise document.
The premise doc is
and a fragment from the doc follows.

	<owl:Restriction rdf:nodeID="d">
		<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#p"/>
		<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#q"/>
		<owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#v"/>

According to AS&S, this looks invalid, because restrictions can have
only one
individualvaluedPropertyID or datavaluedPropertyID.

But, Jena[1] and OWL Ontology Validator[2] successfully parse the
I'm confused. Any comments on this?


[1] Jena: http://jena.sourceforge.net/
[2] OWL Ontology Validator:

Minsu Jang
Senior Member of Engineering Staff
Business Knowledge Research Team
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Phone: +82-42-860-1250 Fax: +82-42-860-6790 

Received on Friday, 14 November 2003 21:45:16 UTC