OWL Language Reference Comments

OWL Language Reference Comments

Minor editorial suggestions:

Section 1.1, change "This document" to "That document" or fully qualified
name to reduce confusion.
Section 1.1, change "uses cases" to "use cases".
Section 3, "Note" first sentence appears to be combination of two separate
Section 3.1.1, example would be easier to understand if it was a named class
Section 4.2, change "with as both" to "with both".
Section 4.3, change "the a range" to "the range".
Section 5.2, change "where class" to "where a class".
Section 7.1, change "property is OWL DL" to "property in OWL DL".
Section 8.3, the tabs in the example should be lined up differently to show
indentation at the same levels.

More substantive comments/questions:

Section Numbering: I'm not sure what the W3C format restrictions are, but it
would be easier to "reference" sections of this reference document if
headings were numbered below the 3rd level.

The examples in section 3.1.3 for the intersectionOf and unionOf properties
don't seem like they represent typical uses of the properties (manipulating
explicit enumerations).

The text in section 3.2.2 appears to suggest that the equivalentClass
statement is required to define an enumerated class, rather than just naming
a type 2 enumeration like the one described in section 3.1.1.

Section 4.1's NOTE: says in OWL DL the domain and range of the subPropertyOf
property must be either both datatype properties or object properties, but I
would think the note would also apply to OWL Lite?

Section 4.2 states that owl:inverseOf is a symmetric property.  Does it
really mean that defining one direction is sufficient to infer that the
inverse property has the described property as its inverse property?  That's
a different notion than the owl:SymmetricProperty construct.

Section 5.2 describes owl:AllDifferent as a "special OWL class" .  From the
NOTE, it's not clear whether the domain of the owl:distinctMembers property
is restricted to the owl:AllDifferent class.

Section 6.2, it isn't clear whether "owl:DataRange" is a "special OWL class"
like "owl:AllDifferent".

Section 7.1 introduces the concept of annotations.  I don't recall them
being described in the overview or guide, so a one sentence
definition/introduction would be helpful.  Also, it's confusing why "an
explicit typing triple" with a particular form is specified rather than
providing example owl syntax.

Section 7.4 has an example of DeprecatedProperty whose comment references
its inverse property "drives".   However, the inverseProperty still
references the deprecated class.  I would expect the inverseOf property to
be specified as part of the dying hasDriver property.

Section 8 describes the differences in OWL species, however I have not seen
whether the intended species is ever formally specified in documents.  For
example, the OWL namespaces referenced by OWL Lite ontologies appear to be
the same ones for OWL Full.

Received on Monday, 21 April 2003 17:06:27 UTC