Comment/suggestion for OWL Lite

> I have been working on a Boeing research project (with Mike Uschold and
> other researchers at Boeing) addressing Information Integration using
> semantic web technologies.  Our work was presented at a workshop at WWW
> 2002, which you can read at:
> We have implemented components that support semantic information
> integration.  By-and-large the representation features of OWL Lite support
> what we are doing, and we would expect to transition our tools to OWL Lite
> when it becomes a W3C recommendation.  However, there is one
> representational feature that is not part of OWL Lite, and I'd like to
> suggest it be moved from OWL to OWL Lite: hasValue  My understanding of
> hasValue is that it allows the ontology to set the value that a property
> must (always) have.
> In our case hasValue would primarily be used for inherited properties that
> always have the same value for subclass members. (This is not the same as
> default values which imply a source and truth level used in logic.)  We
> have found this construct necessary when integrating data from
> heterogeneous databases, where the database tables do not contain a
> property value because they were considered to be fixed (always the same).
> For example we have database tables containing information about airplanes
> of a certain model.  These tables do not contain the model identifier.  In
> this case we would like to be able to express the (constant) model
> identifier using the hasValue construct.  
> Please feel free to contact me for further discussion.
> Regards,
> David H. Jones
> Boeing Phantom Works, 
> Mathematics & Computing Technology
> 425-865-6924 
> 425-856-2964 (FAX)

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2002 11:13:15 UTC