Few comments on the webizen wiki

Hi all,

Again, great job on that headlight.

Going again along the wiki I thought about few things.

-          About the package
The fact that webizen would not attend the WG has its rationale. But what about allowing an ermanent observer status. Meeting the WG participants for a webizen may have a real value. I know that observer status is a chair discretion, but here we may have a kind of priority observer status.
Note that OWASP is providing a mail address for their individual members, this also could be a cool thing to provide:  geek@w3c-webizen.com<mailto:geek@w3c-webizen.com>

-          About the regional aspects
I think that OWASP grid can be a good example. They have chapters, and individual choose a chapter to be associated with. The rest of the organization stay global, but it helps to build locally some active community. W3C already has some offices, which may be good anchors, as a beginning.

-          About the webizen AC definition
"They may accept Member-confidential information, but may not distribute Member-confidential information within their companies (since their companies are not Members) or among Webizens (because re-distribution to all Webizens means it is no longer in Member space)."
While I understand the rationale, I don't see how this can happen in practice. Can you remind me what is member-confidential information today ? members details, some announcement in advance, what else ?

-          About the tag line
"I want to give back..." It looks much like donation, while the package - as announced here - is really attractive, I think.
The idea I had was more : I am getting event more involved, cause it rocks (I know it is not a tagline, but this is the spirit webizen would have when joining)... But I may be too naïve...



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