RE: Webizen progress and next meeting

Hi Jeff,

>>: In looking at your response and measuring Charles as well, I am not convinced that we are even close to identifying what we really want to accomplish with this program, nor do I believe we have consensus on that point.  Clearly the market survey to identify what the desires of externals is will be important to help us decide how to move forward, but I wonder if it also wouldn't be appropriate to do a market survey of existing members to se to what extent they share the sentiments of those pushing for an action?  Both need to be carefully crafted to include all of the different positions we have seen articulated amongst the TF.

JJ: I actually tried to do that at the recent meeting of the Advisory 
Committee.  You may recall that I was unconvinced that there was a way 
forward with conflicting views.  There was strong support of the AC 
meeting to proceed.

Subsequently, a dozen AC reps who have strong views have joined our task 

MC:  True enough.  However, I wonder if we are going about it the right way. A survey of the AC reps on the spot is not necessarily an indicator of the sentiments of the membership as a whole.  I am just suggesting that our market survey goes both ways - members and target audience.  As with all surveys, the question structure is key to ensuring we get meaningful results and not just reinforcement of our pre-existing convictions.

Best Regards,

Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 15:53:10 UTC